Державні сайти України

Національна служба здоров'я України

Єдиний веб-портал органів виконавчої влади України

Людям із порушенням зору
in English


about the conclusion of contracts on health care

population under the program of medical warranty regarding:

1) medical services «Inpatient care patients with acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2»:
- Announcements;
- the Draft Annex to the agreement on special terms of respective types of medical services or medical services;
2) the provision of medical services «Emergency medical care to patients with suspected or established disease acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused coronavirus SARS-CoV-2»:
- Announcements;
- the Draft Annex to the agreement on special terms of respective types of medical services or medical services;
3) medical services «Medical care, which turns out to be mobile medical teams, established to respond to acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2”:
- Announcements;
- the Draft Annex to the agreement on special terms of respective types of medical services or medical services;
4) the provision of medical services Inpatient care for patients with acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which is provided as separate institutions security health’I in April 2020»:
- Announcements;
- the Draft Annex to the agreement on special terms of respective types of medical services or medical services.