Державні сайти України

Національна служба здоров'я України

Єдиний веб-портал органів виконавчої влади України

Людям із порушенням зору
in English

on the conclusion of agreements on health care

population under the program of medical warranty concerning:

1) medical services “surgery for adults and children in inpatient”:
- Announcements;
- the Draft Annex to the agreement on special terms of respective types of medical services or medical services;
2) the provision of medical services “Inpatient care adults and children surgery”:
- Announcements;
- the Draft Annex to the agreement on special terms of respective types of medical services or medical services;
3) medical services “Medical care in childbirth»:
- Announcements;
- the Draft Annex to the agreement on special terms of respective types of medical services or medical services;
4) the provision of medical services «Medical care for the newborn in complex neonatal cases”:
- Announcements;
- the Draft Annex to the agreement on special terms of respective types of medical services or medical services;
5) provide medical services “Outpatient secondary (specialized) and tertiary (highly specialized) medical care for adults and children, including medical rehabilitation and dental care”:
- Announcements;
- the Draft Annex to the agreement on special terms of respective types of medical services or medical services;
6) provide medical services “Cancer”:
- Announcements;
- the Draft Annex to the agreement on special terms of respective types of medical services or medical services;
7) medical services “Hysteroscopy”:
- Announcements;
- the Draft Annex to the agreement on special terms of respective types of medical services or medical services;
8) provision of medical services “Diagnosis, treatment and support of persons with human immunodeficiency virus”:
- Announcements;
- the Draft Annex to the agreement on special terms of respective types of medical services or medical services;
9) provide medical services “treatment of persons with mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids with the use of medicines opioid substitution therapy”:
- Announcements;
- the Draft Annex to the agreement on special terms of respective types of medical services or medical services;
10) the provision of medical services «Medical rehabilitation of infants who are born prematurely and/or sick, during the first three years of life”:
- Announcements;
- the Draft Annex to the agreement on special terms of respective types of medical services or medical services.